Sunday, November 25, 2018

VIRUS Computer - Impact on IT systems

VIRUS Computer - Impact on IT systems

Computer Viruses – from an Annoyance to a Serious Threat by : F-Secure Corporation

The damage caused by viruses and worms can be divided into two categories: intentional damage and unintentional damage. Intentional damage, or harmless effects, is caused explicitly by the payload routine. Unintentional damage may be caused as a side effect when the virus replicates.

It is a common misconception that all viruses are malicious by nature. As a matter of fact, many common viruses lack a payload altogether. It is natural that a virus that does not harm its hosts spreads much more efficiently than a destructive virus. The virus is dependent on the host and harming it also reduces the virus’ chances to replicate.

The term harmless virus is sometimes used to describe a virus that lacks a payload routine, or has a payload routine that only contains non-malicious effects. However, this term is misleading as most viruses are likely to cause some kind of unintentional damage. 
Several of the groups listed here apply to all viruses, especially the unintentional PR damages and IT support workload. Many viruses also contain a single or multiple intentional effects.

Virus - Impact on IT System

Harmless effects

These effects are always produced by the payload routine, but they are not malicious. The effect may be a picture, animations or video, music or sounds, interactive functions, political messages etc. These effects usually give you an idea about the virus author’s way of thinking, age or nationality. These effects may be funny or annoying and may distract or disturb the user, but they do not cause any permanent damage.

Compatibility problems

Individuals make viruses and worms and they do not have resources to test their creations on a wide range of computer systems. Nor do they develop the viruses according to quality control systems and guidelines. This makes it likely that they cause compatibility problems when run on systems that differ from the one on which they were developed. These problems can occur as error messages, crashes, inability to access certain functions etc. These problems are grouped as unintentional damage.

Compromising system integrity
Intentional damage is often caused by erasure or modification of data. Erasing files is perhaps the most obvious way to cause damage. Erasing files, however, is a clumsy way and modern, well maintained, systems can usually recover from backups. Modifying data is a much more sophisticated strategy. Small changes are made to the system now and then. The backup routine stores partially corrupted data until the virus is detected. Restoring the data is hard or impossible as several generations of backups are compromised. The last correct backups may be too old and it may even be hard to tell which backups are or are not valid. 

High-level viruses, such as macro viruses, do not have to operate on binary data as previous viruses did. The macro languages provide powerful functions for modifying data in documents. This enables viruses to perform sinister modifications that are critical but hard to detect. For example, it is possible for a macro virus to alter the text of a document before printing, but show the correct form on screen.

Usage of corrupted data may lead to severe damage. An Excel sheet may, for example, be used to calculate the amount of concrete needed for a bridge, or calculate how much fuel a jumbo jet needs to cross the Pacific.

Granting unauthorized access

Viruses may plant backdoors in the system, or steal passwords. These functions can later be used by hackers to access the system. Damage caused by such hacking activities is hard to predict. Unauthorized usage of the system may, for example, continue unnoticed for a long time.

Disclosure of confidential data

Viruses and worms have access to the same communication methods as the user, and even use them to replicate. A payload routine may easily locate documents that match certain criteria and send them to anyone on the Internet. Some email worms also cause disclosure of data as a part of replication. The worms that  replicate when attached to a document, such as Melissa, send this document to  recipients to whom the user had no intention of sending the document.

The following example illustrates this. A company asks for offers from several  vendors. One of the vendors is infected with Melissa. The offer is mailed to the buyer as a document infected with Melissa. The buyer opens the document and becomes infected immediately. The Melissa worm examines the address book and send itself to the first 50 addresses on the list. The document that is sent is the offer from the infected vendor, and the list of recipients probably contains the competitors.

Computer resource usage

Viruses and worms can disturb computer systems by spending resources, either intentionally or unintentionally. Some viruses contain payloads that deliberately eat system resources, but resource consumption is probably unintentional in most cases. Unintentional resource consumption may be caused by errors in the virus or the replication. Code Red is an example of this. Searching for new hosts to spread to requires both network traffic and CPU resources. This load was obvious in the slower response time from the infected web servers or even in the total inability to serve users. 

Another type of intentional resource usage is known as denial-of-service or DOS. This is typically performed using distributed technology where a large number of computers run so-called ‘zombies’. All these zombies are programmed to connect to the same computer simultaneously. This does not significantly harm the systems that run the zombies, but the target system is usually blocked due to an overloaded Internet connection. 

Human resource usage

Cleaning virus infections means extra work for the IT support staff. This damage, and the downtime for the user, may result in great expense unless the viruses are stopped properly using anti-virus software.

Even if viruses are successfully stopped using anti-virus software, the cost of maintaining this system may be seen as a cost caused by viruses.

PR aspects

The attitude towards viruses is negative. The problem is well known and all business users know the severity. Sending a virus to a customer or business partner is not good for the company’s image. This may be especially dangerous if  the incident makes it to the headlines. This is not at all impossible, especially if the virus was included in a mass-produced software product.

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