Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Good And The Bad - Advantages Of Online Advertising By Rob Stokes

The Good And The Bad

Advantages Of Online Advertising  By Rob Stokes

Banner Ads And Their Similarity With Traditional Media

eMarketers regularly bemoan the fact that it’s often difficult to educate the market about the value of Internet marketing techniques. Traditional buyers of advertising have been conditioned in a certain fashion and have come to understand advertising in a certain way.

Banner advertising goes a long way towards bridging the advertising divide. Online ads have a set size, they can look very similar to print ads and they occupy a particular bit of real estate in a publication with a particular number of eyeballs looking at it. It’s easy to understand and it does the things buyers expect advertising to do. 
Bottom line - if done correctly, online advertising builds brand awareness and increases sales!
advantages of online advertising

Images - Display Can Offer A Rich Brand Building Experience
Some campaigns are better suited to having images rather than the plain text of a PPC campaign (although recently PPC image and video ads have been introduced in the USA). Consider the following types of campaigns:
  • ·         Promoting travel packages: What stirs more emotion - an image of a tropical paradise or the words “tropical paradise”?
  • ·         Building a brand within a specific sphere: Use banner advertising to brand the web sites of every major player in that niche.
  • ·         Running a competition: Keep the target market’s eye on the prize.
  • ·         Launching an exciting new sports car with a call to action: “Test drive it now” or interactive rich media that highlight all the exciting new features as you mouse-over that part of the car on the image.
  • ·         Digital shadow: Using banner adverts that shadow the above-the-line activity to drive the message both on and offline.


Since banners can contain rich media, they offer levels of interaction that other forms of advertising cannot achieve. It allows your target market to not only see your banner, but to play with it too. Interaction builds a bond and improves the chances of the consumer remembering your brand tomorrow. Cognitive learning is a powerful outcome of interactive display advertising.
Animations, games, video, Flash – modern online advertising is able to bring together
a number of other online marketing tactics:
  • ·      A few years ago, Flash micro-sites were all the rage , now the same functionality can exist right within the ad. This includes filling in a form or playing a game within the ad – no need to be taken to a separate page.
  • ·     Viral marketing - clever viral marketing games or “send to a friend” functionality from within the ad.
  • ·        Video - viewers can check out video previews or trailers from within the ad.

Measurability And Data Gathering

Banner ads, like all eMarketing tactics, are measurable. Track click-through rates and you get an idea of exactly how many people are responding to your call to action. Some publishers even have the ability to do post-click tracking’ i.e. you can track the user all the way to a sale if that is the purpose of the advert.
An OPA (Online Publishers Association) study revealed that of the 80% of viewers that reported to have watched a video ad online, 52% have taken some sort of action, including: checking out a web site (31%), searching for more information (22%), going
into a store (15%), or actually making a purchase (12%).

Disadvantages Of Online Advertising
Technical Obstacles
The nature of a lot of display advertising is intrusive, so pop-up blockers can often prevent ads from being served as they were intended by the advertisers.
Connection Speed
Bandwidth can also be an issue, although this is a shrinking problem. However, campaigns should be planned around demographics in determining the richness (and investment) of interaction. For example heart disease medication is likely to appeal to an older community, with less money and slower connection speeds.
Advertising Fatigue
Consumers are suffering from advertising fatigue, so while new technologies can provide great results, as soon as the market moves mainstream, it can get saturated. Consumers are increasingly ignoring adverts.
Ad Blockers
As well as most browsers now blocking pop-ups, there are also extensions available for the Firefox browser, such as AdBlock plus, that will block advertising on web pages. Technologically savvy consumers are increasingly using these methods to limit the advertising that they see.

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